Tag Archive for: OSMD

This is a follow-up article for From Idea to Sketch.


The first thing to check was a good framework to start with. We decided to go with Javascript/Typescript as Open Sheet Music Display is done in that language as well. And for easily setting up a demo we chose React which is an open source frontend library developed and maintained by Facebook. We also wanted to have a React demo for our renderer a while back so this was on the wish list anyways.  The graphics and visual eye candy will be done using material-UI and Bootstrap which are also open-source projects dealing with the CSS and layouting. This is a heavy burden taken away from us so we can focus on dealing with the code itself.

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Whether you are a professional or a beginner, sight reading is an absolute must for making music. During music lessons, this is taught right from the start and is practiced and perfected until you become a professional. This raises the question for us: how can we help? Our solution: The Open Sheet Music Education exercise generator!

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With the exercise generator developed within the framework of OpenSheetMusicEducation (OSME), you can create musical exercises for dexterity on the instrument or for sight reading, etc. The desired musical parameters: for example the clef, the time signature, the range, the number of bars, can be set in the interface to generate an exercise at the click of a button and display it on the screen with OpenSheetMusicDisplay (OSMD).

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Be it pictures, videos or even songs and pieces of music, these types of media are always shared with friends on our social networks. This way we let the others see what we are doing and, in the case of OSME, practice! Apart from that, teachers can also display exercises they create with OSME on their own WordPress pages (embedding). But because of the frequent sharing, it is easy to forget what technology actually lies behind it.

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Millions of music students all over the world practice a musical instrument every day. It is well known that practice is necessary to improve how you play. But does more practice time always lead to more learning progress?

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This chapter goes a bit more into detail about the internals of a future practice format. I will include some ideas that I have bounced off with the team, teachers, musicians and friends. It will give a good guideline where this project might go.

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Picture for Open Source and Learning blog post

It was never easier in the history of mankind to acquire new knowledge and abilities due to the vast access of information in the internet. You can watch and learn from the best of the best, listen to zillions of musicians, download humongous numbers of books and all for free.

With Open Sheet Music Display (OSMD) we created a library to display MusicXML sheets on your webpage or application. The next logical step is to wrap things up and create a learning format for music. Something that can be exchanged freely and be used by everyone.

We recently implemented the world famous Boomwhacka coloring scheme to OSMD which is perfect for kids to make identifying and reading the notes by color easy for them. So whenever somebody wants to create a kids music learning page he can use our tools for that.

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